Corporate Management

As a holding company, Drees & Sommer SE is the owner of all operating units of the Drees & Sommer Group. The Group's entire network serves to create added value for customers.

The main shareholders of Drees & Sommer SE are the active and former partners, who hold shares in the company. All partners have joined together to form a consortium. Its articles of association ensure the long-term continuous development of the company. This makes the company independent of third parties.

A Management Board team manages the company in close coordination with the partnership and the Supervisory Board. The partnership is committed to Drees & Sommer's strategy and corporate culture and acts jointly and independently for a future worth living and a successful company.

Supervisory Board

Dr. Johannes Fritz (Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats)

Dr. Bernd Gaiser (Stellvertreter)

Dr. Axel Sommer

Eva Dietl-Lenzner

Dr. Jürgen Laukemper

Yvonne Allner

Executive Board

Steffen Szeidl (CEO)
Dierk Mutschler
Marc Schömbs


Prof. Dr. Michael Bauer
Sebastian Beck
Mirco Beutelspacher
Frank Bornmann
Jürgen Brandstetter
Claus Bürkle
Klaus Dederichs
Simon Dietzfelbinger
Manuel Dorn
Jörg Ewald-Lincke
Philipp Gansch
Christoph Gawlik
Prof. Dr. Thomas Harlfinger
Thomas Häusser

Sascha Hempel
Stefan Heselschwerdt
Klaus Hirt
Thomas Hofbauer
Thomas Jaißle
Björn Jesse
Dirk Kahl
Sascha Kilb
Dr. Markus Koch
Florian Langlotz
Boris Matisic
Dr. Peter Mösle
Dierk Mutschler
Rainer Preisshofen

Andreas Schele
Marc Schömbs
Daniel Seibert
Frank Silber
Philipp Späth
Steffen Szeidl
Patrick Theis
Veit Thurm
Heike Titze
Markus Weigold
Diana Wiedmann
Jörg Wohlfarth
Kenneth Wood

Associate partners

Sissi Al-Sheikh
Maximilien Ast
Jörg Babenz
Stefan Baier
Oliver Beck
Thomas Berner
Thomas Bittner
Andre Boers
Dr. Jörg-Matthias Böttiger
Sandra Brand
Ralf Buchholz
Heiko Butter
Giulio Castegini
Dr. Jens Cattarius
Anastasios Chatzinikolaou
Guido Darnieder
Jonathan Davis
Jette de Beauregard
Johan de Vries
Stephan Degenhart 
Lothar Diederich
Nils Diehl
Pascal Dietrich
René Doeubler
Michael Duder
Stephan Eberwein
Jürgen Einck
Karsten Eisenmann
Michael Eisenmann
Leonardo Estrada
Bernd Fisel
Christian Fürwentsches
Neil Fyles
Alexander Ganßloser
Prof. Dr. Robert Göötz
Stefan Göstl
Gregor Grassl

Marko Grünberg
Jochen Günther
Gerald Herndlhofer
Axel Heueis
Dr. Verena Hilgenstock  
Peter Junker
Frank Kamping
Stefan Kattendick
Ulrich Kaufmann
Philipp Keydel
Alexander Kittel
Dr. Per Kleinschmidt
Udo Klingels
Julian Kommer  
Christian Könings
Mustafa Kösebay
Verena Kraiß
Christian Krajci
Stefan Kümmel
Peter Liebsch
Josef Linder
Christian Luft
Stefanie Lütteke
Oliver Mack
Oliver Mantinger
Tobias Meurer
Christoph Meyer
Di Miao-Weichtmann
Ralf Molter
Moritz Mombour
Berthold Moosmann
Sven Mylius
Vanessa Opel
Kerstin Pfullmann
Frank Pickel
Kay Promehl
Markus Raab

Dr. Daniel Reichert
Frank Reschke
Dr. Chris Richter
Heiko Rihm
Gesa Rohwedder
Andreas Rost
Stephan Rüdiger
Tobias Sailer
Markus Sauer
André Schlesiger
Simone Schmiedl
Arnold Schmitzer
Florian Schrenk
Michael Schropp
Daniela Schulze
Thomas Schütz
Stefan Schweitzer
Holger Seidel
Mark Simpson
Mathias Stach
Florian Stacke
Christoph Stehr
Jan Steinhauer
Andreas Stieglbauer
Matthias Stolz
Billy Taylor
Florian Theis
Christopher Thorpe
Stephan Thulmann
Henrik Töpelt
Mirko Weiss
Jan Wolcke
Katja Zeyen
Jürgen Zimmermann
Dietmar Zwipp