Startup network

Startups develop new technologies and disruptive business models, and are digitization drivers. In the past, several industries have learned the hard way how important it is to address future trends in a timely manner. Few companies are able to master this challenge alone. And that makes it all the more important to have an active exchange with innovative startups and a network of like-minded people – such as the ones we foster in our Creators ecosystem.

Our scouting team identifies and assesses high-potential startups worldwide and initiates ongoingcollaboration with Drees & Sommer. Start-up scouting is carried out as the result of an internal request, in response to specific client needs, and on the basis of tech areas and trends regarded as relevant.



While structured trend research is well established in other sectors of the economy, this is not the case in the construction and real estate industry. Drees & Sommer regularly addresses the tech and megatrends that are currently influencing the industry and will continue to do so into the future. We summarize the results annually in our Innovation Scouting Report and substantiate them with a range of methodologies.

The 2024 edition of the Drees & Sommer Innovation Scouting Report focuses on artificial intelligence trends in the construction and real estate industry. As in previous years, AI continues to be Number 1 on the Trend Radar. To delve even deeper into the way trends develop, the new Drees & Sommer AI Hype Cycle method shows which stage of the real estate life cycle the selected startup applications are in. Extensive interviews were conducted with AI startups, and the individual phases of the real estate lifecycle were examined to identify potential applications for AI technology and look at its level of development and acceptance. 


The Drees & Sommer Innovation Scouting Report 2023 looks at the megatrend of neo-ecology and the three most relevant technology trends of today: AI (artificial intelligence), Big Data Analytics, and IoT (the Internet of Things). We present specific solutions from the startup scene based on four solutions from proptechs and contechs, in this way providing guidance for the strategic orientation of innovation activities.