As a holding company, Drees & Sommer is the owner of the independent operational units of the Drees & Sommer Group. The operational units are either regional companies or Expert Teams with wide-ranging autonomy. The entire Group uses the network to add value for clients.

The main shareholders in Drees & Sommer SE are the active and former Partners, each of whom has a minimum shareholding. All Partners have joined together to form a consortium whose constitution safeguards the long-term continuity of the company’s development. As a result, the company is independent of third parties.

Currently, Drees & Sommer is managed by the Executive Board in close cooperation with the operational Partners and the Managing Directors. The Partners have committed to maintaining the company’s successful strategy and corporate culture.



Dr. Johannes Fritz (Chairman of the Supervisory Board)

Dr. Bernd Gaiser
Dr. Axel Sommer
Eva Dietl-Lenzner
Dr. Jürgen Laukemper
Yvonne Allner


Prof. Dr. Michael Bauer
Sebastian Beck
Mirco Beutelspacher
Frank Bornmann
Jürgen Brandstetter
Claus Bürkle
Klaus Dederichs
Simon Dietzfelbinger
Manuel Dorn
Jörg Ewald-Lincke
Philipp Gansch
Christoph Gawlik
Dr. Thomas Harlfinger
Thomas Häusser
Sascha Hempel
Stefan Heselschwerdt
Klaus Hirt
Thomas Hofbauer
Thomas Jaißle
Björn Jesse
Dirk Kahl
Sascha Kilb
Markus Koch
Florian Langlotz
Boris Matisic
Dr. Peter Mösle
Dierk Mutschler
Rainer Preisshofen
Ralph Scheer
Andreas Schele
Marc Schömbs
Daniel Seibert
Frank Silber
Prof. Dr. Hans Sommer
Philipp Späth
Steffen Szeidl
Patrick Theis
Veit Thurm
Heike Titze
Markus Weigold
Diana Wiedmann
Jörg Wohlfarth
Kenneth Wood