
Blue is boundless – Drees & Sommer holds inaugural Diversity Week

For an entire week, Drees & Sommer offered numerous activities relating to Diversity and Inclusion.

Based on the theme ‘Blue is boundless’ (‘Blau is bunt’ in German), employees participated in keynote presentations on various aspects of Diversity and Inclusion. These included such topics as ‘Invisible women’, ‘Better understanding queer’, ‘Everyday racism’, ‘Unconscious bias,’ ‘The clash of generations’, ‘Diversity-conscious language’, and ‘Barrier-free buildings’. Some of the presentations were developed by employees withexpertise in a specific aspect of Diversity. Others were given by external experts professionally involved in Diversity.

A virtual five-station diversity parcourse was available throughout the week to allow everyone to experience diversity. And at Drees & Sommer offices worldwide, colleagues held local Diversity get-togethers to network and discuss Diversity and Inclusion The aim of the action week was to increase awareness of the importance of Diversity and Inclusion in the workplace, sensitize people to the topic, educate and share ideas.