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Semiconductor Factory for the high-tech industry

Innovative technologies and state-of-the-art solutions often form the basis for the economic success of a company. Chips and semiconductors are the driving force behind technological progress and demand for them has risen sharply – both for e-mobility in the automotive sector, for 5G and 6G in telecommunications, and for consumer electronics.

Shortages both of materials and skilled workers – combined with climate targets – mean that industry currently faces huge challenges. To meet the increasing demand, high-tech facilities and semiconductor FABs have to be designed, planned, built and commissioned in the shortest possible time. And rapid advances in chip technology require regular modification of production facilities and restructuring of media and layouts. Drees & Sommer can help you with this.



Drees & Sommer supports you throughout the entire process – from site selection and planning through to the realization and commissioning of your project:

  • Our project team has a wealth experience with large-scale international state-of-the-art semiconductor and high-tech projects.
  • Our experts have in-depth knowledge of European building standards and all relevant approval processes, such as the German Federal Emission Control Act (BImSchG).
  • We can support you with subsidy consulting, communication with authorities, and public relations


Our approach to integrated factory planning starts the planning process by looking at the product. In this way, we achieve the optimal symbiosis of production and industrial construction planning. We don’t use a standard approach – but our first step is always to discuss your goals and requirements with you.

Whether you choose a complete package (EPCM) or individual service modules, our team of high-tech experts ensures that you achieve maximum added value and that your project progresses at the necessary pace. We also make sure that all statutory requirements are met.

To support the European Green Deal, we can – on request – integrate carbon neutrality – thus achieving the goals set for a futureproof high-tech ecosystem – or apply the Cradle to Cradle® design principle, so that sustainable electromobility also stems from a sustainable production infrastructure. Find out more about Integrated Factory Planning.


  • 1
    Feasibility study

    At the beginning of the project, we carry out a feasibility study with you. This includes the search for an economically viable site, the product, production system and the industrial construction.

  • 2

    On the basis of the feasibility study, we start planning and prepare the tender documents.

  • 3
    Invitation to tender

    We take over the entire strategic tendering and awarding process and evaluate the bidder field. You therefore receive tailor-made award packages to suit the project.


  • Thanks to our tried-and-tested Integrated Factory Planning approach, we achieve start of production 30% faster than other commonly used execution models.
  • And with a consistent design-to-budget approach and early layout optimization, we realize your production facility for 20% less than the average market cost.
  • As we undertake plant engineering in-house, we can close any gaps in layout planning and check the plausibility of critical processes.
  • Our profound knowledge of the production processes used in the high-tech / semiconductor industry and our many years of experience working with various tool and equipment manufacturers enable us to help you determine your requirements.
  • You get as much standardization as possible and as much customization as necessary, allowing us deliver an optimal combination of sustainability and cost efficiency.
  • Our communication is responsible, transparent and binding. You can find out as early the planning phase when production can begin.
  • And even after the start of production (SoP), we stay at your side to support you with ramp-up, as well as with ongoing process optimization during operation.

Let's talk. 

We look forward to hearing from you!

Christoph Gawlik

Head of Industry