Syntegration of the University of Bern
University of Bern
October 2021 - september 2022
As part of the ‘Syntegration of the University of Bern’ project, employees of the University of Bern, led by Drees & Sommer and the Fondation Oroborus, addressed the question of what the consequences of the changing framework conditions mean for work at the University of Bern and what needs to be done today in order to remain attractive and competitive in 10-20 years' time.
In a three-and-a-half-day workshop, twelve topics were identified using the syntegration method, which were discussed in a networked manner and deepened in three iterations. The topics ‘Space as a resource’ and ‘New workplace concepts’ were then explored in greater depth and a concept with seven fields of action was developed: Campus networking, accessibility, utilisation, equipment, social space, building management and third-party involvement. The respective recommendations for action are often mutually dependent and should be implemented as part of an integrated concept. In a final step, a roadmap was developed for the concrete elaboration and implementation of the measures.
Added value
- The syntegration process, which was carried out together with the employees of the University of Bern, offers comprehensive and networked recommendations for action for the future-oriented development of the university in the areas of resources, space and new workplace concepts.
Individual services
- Syntegration Workshop
- Sensitivity analysis
- Identification of needs for action with a focus on the shortage of space and new workplace concepts
- Preparation of best-practice examples
- Evaluation and categorisation of the need for action
- Creation of a roadmap