
Drees & Sommer Results 2023: Growth continues

Despite the difficult geopolitical and economic situation, Drees & Sommer SE maintained its growth trajectory in 2023. Sales of the Stuttgart-based consulting firm, which specializes in construction and real estate, increased to 900 million euros in 2023. The operating result stood at 102.7 million euros. 

Steffen Szeidl, Member of the Executive Board of Drees & Sommer SE explained: “In previous years, we were already looking ahead and preparing ourselves for the changed market situation. That is why Drees & Sommer is today operating from a position of strength. We built up reserves at an early stage and geared our internal structures as well as new and innovative service ranges to the changed market requirements. Our high level of diversification and our streamlined business processes also give us a good degree of resilience. This allows us to continue operating actively in the market without having to react under pressure.”

“For instance, a newly initiated internal efficiency program has enabled staff to identify and realize potential at different levels, and this made a major contribution to the company’s good performance. We are following this approach in 2024 also, and are continuing to see positive results,” added Marc Schömbs, his colleague on the Executive Board.

High Demand in the High-Tech Sector

According to Drees & Sommer Executive Board Member Dierk Mutschler, the company has identified high demand in the high-tech industry, which will need a large number of factories and production facilities in the coming years. The chip industry is expected to see a particularly strong upturn, driven by relocations associated with deglobalization, capacity expansions, and the demand for new technologies. For example, where optimization was previously all about costs, industry is now creating more independent supply chains. As he asserted, this also has a positive impact on regional suppliers and their performance. Dierk Mutschler said: “With investments, we always bear in mind the environmental impacts as well as designing an efficient factory, so as to get the carbon dioxide emissions from industry under control. In this area we mainly rely on sector coupling as an effective key to decarbonization. Industry, mobility/transport, heating and electricity can no longer be viewed in isolation; all stakeholders have to enter into cross-sector partnerships to achieve the energy transition together.’´

You can find more information in our  press release.