„From trainee to construction manager“

In a personal interview, Leo Ehrecke tells us how he progressed from student trainee to construction manager at g² and what his former school-friend and fellow student Sebastian ‘Basti’ Radlbeck has to do with it. It was like this: Basti chose the same path – but just a bit earlier – and got Leo on board the g² boat, because he simply knew it would be right for him. 





Leo followed his BA at the Munich Technical University with a Master’s in civil engineering. Halfway through his master’s, he joined g² in Munich as a student trainee. Leo found the university course rather theoretical and did not really consider it good preparation for a professional career. So he got the requisite initial know-how for work on a construction site in the one and a half years he spent as a student trainee at g². At g², Leo was given responsibility early on, and received training and support in technical areas. He didn’t have to think long about whether to stay on at g² as a construction manager after completing his Master’s.  

Leo is currently working on various construction projects at Munich East railway station. As part of the construction management team, he gets an insight into exciting major urban development projects such as the PLAZA, and works with colleagues on concepts for construction site logistics. It is the teamwork, the variety and the range of different roles that appeal to him, as well as the various people he meets every day on a major construction site. You have to be a real team player – and that’s easy in the friendly Munich g² team, to which his best friend Basti naturally also belongs. 

A construction manager has to be able to maintain an overview without losing sight of the big picture. Anyone who is competent, motivated and committed can carve out a career at g². And our management has several examples to prove it! 

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