Press Releases

Drees & Sommer Donates EUR 10,000 to the Junge Oper at the State Opera in Stuttgart

© [Translate to English:] Drees & Sommer
[Translate to English:] v.l.n.r. Jossi Wieler, Intendant der Staatsoper Stuttgart, Elena Tzavara, Leiterin der Jungen Oper Stuttgart und Ralph Scheer, Partner der Drees & Sommer Gruppe, bei der feierlichen Scheckübergabe.
© Drees & Sommer
Left to right: Jossi Wieler (Intendant of Stuttgart State Opera), Elena Tzavara (Head of the Junge Oper Stuttgart) and Ralph Scheer (Partner of the Drees & Sommer Group) at the ceremonial presentation of the check.

‘Supporting the Junge Oper and its artists has now become a heartfelt need for us. A rich cultural life and a lively art scene are a fertile breeding ground for creativity and innovation in Stuttgart. We are privileged to contribute to this with our regional culture promotion program,’ says Ralph Scheer. For some time, Drees & Summer has been a partner of the Stuttgart Opera and has supported its young artists in their professional development from their initial training to their full careers.

At the presentation of the check, Intendant Jossi Wieler expressed gratitude for this involvement and named the project for which the donation would mainly be used: ‘We would like to thank Drees & Sommer for the important contribution which the company makes in supporting the Junge Oper and its projects. This year's donation will largely be used for the Chamber Opera: Krieg, stell Dir vor, es wäre hier (‘War, imagine that it were here’), which will have its premiere next year.’ Since it was founded more than 20 years ago, the Junge Oper Stuttgart has supported talented young artists and has given school pupils and young people the opportunity to play a role in its productions. It also offers a professional platform for trained young singers and musicians to gain stage and orchestra practice alongside experienced artists.