At the 3rd Water Congress, experts from science, politics and economy will meet to discuss the pressing issues of water supply in the region. The event is being organised by the CCIs of Berlin, Brandenburg and Saxony, the Association of Municipal Enterprises (VKU) Brandenburg and Saxony and the Association of Berlin Merchants and Industrialists (VBKI) and will take place on 13 May 2025 at the CCI Berlin.
The aim of the event is to develop concrete solutions for the sustainable safeguarding of water resources - both for the drinking water supply and for economic development in the Berlin-Brandenburg and Saxony metropolitan regions. The following topics will be discussed in four forums:
- Sponge city
- Coal phase-out and water management
- Economic growth and water protection
- The future of hydropower
Ramona Giese, Senior Consultant at Drees & Sommer, will be taking part in the panel discussion on the topic ‘Soak it up and store it: how can the sponge city be realised?’.
More information: Wasserkongress 2025: Lösungen für die Wasserversorgung von Berlin, Brandenburg und Sachsen entwickeln - IHK Ostbrandenburg