Corporate Real Estate Management Trend Study 2024

Topics of the study

– Real Estate Management Organization 
– Trends in Real Estate Management 
– Digitalization, Tools, and Artificial Intelligence 
– Sustainability und ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) 


Important Results

What opportunities and challenges does digitalization bring? What solutions are there to achieve greater acceptance for its implementation? How do companies promote innovation? And how great is the pressure to act in an ESG-compliant manner? Check out some of the results from the "Corporate Real Estate Management 2024 Trend Study". 


  • 85 per cent are convinced that AI will make it easier to analyze large amounts of data.
  • 56 per cent of respondents expect changed work processes and job profiles.
  • 34 per cent have filled a position for corporate sustainability management.


Advantages and challenges of digitalization 

The majority expect digitalization to improve processes, increase efficiency and reduce operating costs. For 34 per cent, new systems and digital tools fail due to a lack of user-friendliness and interactivity. 

ESG not yet standard for every CREM department 

Although most companies have a strategy for environmental, social and governance in place, the vast majority of participants report only partial integration of this strategy into their CREM department. 

Dealing with artificial intelligence 

43 per cent of respondents promote training and further education on AI for employees. The decisive advantages of AI for companies are increased efficiency and the automation of processes. 56 per cent also expect changes in work processes and job profiles.



In February 2024, 273 real estate managers from a wide range of sectors took part in the corporate real estate management trend study. The main sectors represented were industry, the real estate sector, finance, and insurance. In an online survey, the participants answered over 30 questions on trends and challenges in real estate management and organization. The focus was on operations, the importance of ESG, and the handling and acceptance of digitalization topics. 


Would you like to read the detailed results?

You can download the Corporate Real Estate Management 2024 trend study here.