CA Immo has completed the cube berlin office building after less than three years of construction. The stand-alone building occupies a prominent location directly on Washingtonplatz at Berlin's central railroad station. With the support of Drees & Sommer, CA Immo developed the architecturally spectacular structure as a smart building. The goal was to significantly boost the operational efficiency of the building and to enable a number of additional services for office tenants. cube berlin was already fully let even before completion.
Matthias Schmidt, Head of Development Germany at CA Immo, commented: ‘The unique architecture of 3XN has given the federal capital a new attraction in the form of cube berlin. Even when it was being built, passers-by stopped to take photos of themselves in and in front of the façade – the surroundings are reflected in it. cube berlin also breaks new ground on the technical side. By digitalizing the building and networking the digital components in a central system (which we call the brain), the building can be operated and used by our tenants much more efficiently.
Steffen Szeidl, Executive Board member of Drees & Sommer, said: ’cube berlin is a customized smart building. The perfect combination of technology, architecture and atmosphere creates a smart future for people and the environment. Thanks to artificial intelligence, the building recognizes the requirements of its users and flexibly meets their needs.’
The interaction between the different hardware and software components used for digitization were represented in a model and tested with the support of Drees & Sommer before completion of the building. The tests were carried out at the Demonstration Factory in the Smart Logistics Cluster at the campus of RWTH Aachen University in Germany.
The balanced mix of ecological, social and economic sustainability criteria will enable Gold certification by the German Sustainable Building Council (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nachhaltiges Bauen, DGNB).