Cultural Facilities
DPG Media-Mediavaert Amsterdam-Duivendrecht
Team V Architectuur i.s.m. Arup, DGMR en DELVA Landscape Architecture/Urbanism
44.000 m²
2020 - 2024
Developed by the company Being, Mediavaert is the new headquarters of DPG Media in Amsterdam-Duivendrecht (municipality of Ouder-Amstel). Starting in 2024, employees of Het Parool, de Volkskrant, Trouw, Qmusic,, Tweakers, vtwonen, and Libelle, in particular, will be able to make full use of Mediavaert’s state-of-the-art facilities. In addition to workspaces, the building includes test labs, studios for radio recordings, meeting rooms, restaurants, an espresso bar, and an attractive events location on the quay of the Duivendrechtsevaart.
Wood-hybrid office building
The building will be one of the largest wood-hybrid office buildings in the world. The building design by Team V Architectuur is strongly focused on a sustainable, healthy working environment with plenty of daylight and greenery in and around the building. Bas van Dam from Being: “The positive impact of this project is huge, and we hope it encourages others to aim as high as possible in terms of sustainability, architecture, and innovation.”
On behalf of Being, Drees & Sommer Nederland is handling the tendering and contracting of the supplier and the quality control and management and supervision during the implementation of this unique project.
Added value
- When drawing up the contract, Drees & Sommer will check the optimizations carried out against all the quality criteria and craft the form and content of the quality assurance process.
- Tender procedure
- Contract management
- Quality control
- Management and supervision