Energy Supply (electricity, gas, district heating)
Geothermal Laufzorn II
Erdwärme Grünwald GmbH
2023 - 2028
EUR 160 million
30–60 MW
20,000 to 40,000 households
Drees & Sommer is supporting Erdwärme Grünwald GmbH in expanding deep geothermal energy for climate-friendly heat supply. The goal is for the new Laufzorn II site to supply up to 6,000 households with heat in the future.
The project comprises deep drilling at a depth of up to four kilometers, the construction of a new combined heat and power plant, and the construction of new district heating pipelines. The measures include the preparation of the drilling site, deep drilling in the “Grünwald” authorization field, and coordination with the relevant authorities. After drilling, an above-ground combined heat and power plant will be built.
A particular challenge of the project is the specialized drilling technology used to drill the deep borehole. The three sub-projects of drilling, heating plant, and district heating pipeline also require close coordination in order for the site to come into operation as soon as possible. The strict ecological requirements in the landscape conservation areas also require special attention.
It is a project that demonstrates the enormous potential of geothermal energy. This is because deep geothermal energy as a base load carrier can become a relevant component of the green heat transition in Germany and sustainably secure the supply of green heat to cities and municipalities.
Added value
- Digital project management with full cost transparency for the client
- Maximum security for costs and deadlines
- Project management
- Funding control
- Technical consulting
- Digital project management
- PAST analysis
- Overall process analysis with lean approach
Federal funding for efficient heating networks (Finanzierung Bundesförderung für effiziente Wärmenetze - BEW) - financed by the European Union NextGenerationEU, funded by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK).