Logistics & Transport

SBB Swiss Federal Railways– Restoration of Track Roofs in Basel

Added Value

  • Renovation of the roof covering and the anti-corrosion coating
  • Visual upgrading of the canopy structure
  • New lighting for public areas

Individual Services

  • Construction phase planning

SBB Swiss Federal Railways

Project term

2016 - 2023

The SBB railroad station of the Swiss city of Basel in the Dreiländereck three-border region (Germany, France and Switzerland) is one of the central transport hubs between Switzerland and its neighboring countries.

The project launched by the SBB Swiss Federal Railways to restore the track roofs involves the renovation of the canopy roof structure of the railroad station, which is more than a hundred years old. The goal is to preserve the building housing the tracks for the next 60 years. At the same time various modifications are being implemented to the lighting, displays and safety guidance systems for emergency evacuation.

The preparatory work began in December 2017. Further works will follow in stages up to the end of 2023. The cost of the project, which is being financed through the agreement for services between the Swiss federal government and SBB Swiss Federal Railways, will be around CHF 34 million.