Supply & Disposal

Stadtentwässerung Stuttgart - Digital sewage treatment plant


Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart



Project duration



160,000 inhabitants

Order type

New construction


Strategy and Organizational Development, Requirements Management, Project Management 

How does a sewage treatment plant become fit for the future? Stadtentwässerung Stuttgart worked on this question together with the experts from Drees & Sommer.

All processes relevant to sewage treatment plant operations are digitalized in the digital sewage treatment plant. The aim is to meet the challenges of the future in a sustainable manner and to establish future-proof structures. This includes reviewing fundamental processes along the core process, using AI, and digitalizing the plant site and buildings. This is the only way to proactively meet the increasing KRITIS requirements for a municipal wastewater treatment company.

As part of the digital sewage treatment plant, Drees & Sommer’s experts began with an in-depth analysis of the existing municipal wastewater structures. The specific requirements resulting from this analysis now form the basis for possible changes to work and organizational processes.

As a result, the mission of a digital sewage treatment plant was transformed into a vision with clear recommendations for action for the customer.

The Möhringen external sewage treatment plant is scheduled to undergo holistic transformation by 2040.

Added value

  • Customized requirements for the planning of the new sewage treatment plant
  • Inclusion of multipliers
  • Development of vision and mission through to the digital sewage treatment plant by 2040
  • Changes in organization and processes that are already contributing to the future


  • Customized smart building consulting 
  • Development of a customized strategy for the requirements of Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart, with a focus on an intelligent plant site 
  • Process support on the topic of the digital sewage treatment plant for 2040