Office Buildings

Transformation of the Helios Office Building in Gasperich


Kowac s.à.r.l.



Project Duration

April 2020 – December 2021

The client planned to overhaul the Drosbach Building (spanning approximately 70,000 m²), transforming existing office spaces into a cafeteria offering food to-go and meeting rooms. Moreover, the reception area of a main entrance to the real estate complex was completely retrofitted to include a more representative entrance and reception as well as direct access to the cafeteria and restaurant. During the second phase of the project, an existing restaurant was torn down and converted into a new restaurant with a new concept. As a result, restaurant dining, kitchen and storage facility capacities were increased to 600 meals per day.
Drees & Sommer supported the client in the building technical outfitting planning process.

Added Value

Professional implementation of the client’s wishes.


  • Feasibility study
  • Technical coordination, including the creation of the schedule and cost monitoring
  • General technical planning