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Integral Construction Management

To ensure that a building site works properly, and the construction project stays economically viable, the competence of structural design planners and technical building services specialists should be combined, like in integral construction management.


Even the best planning can quickly come to nothing if it is not implemented to a high quality, within the defined time schedule and budget, on the building site.

In integral construction management, our experts take care of the client's demands in a professional and economic manner. At the same time, they ensure that the requirements of architectural design are implemented to a high quality.

Our construction management team has competence spanning a range of cost groups – from building construction (cost group 300) and building services (cost group 400) to the outdoor facilities (cost group 500).

Tendering and Awarding

To create a real added value for the project, we bring our collected expertise to the project from the outset, in the planning phase. We provide our services for your project in the tender process for cost groups 300 and 500 as part of service phase 6 of the German Official Scale of Fees for Services by Architects and Engineers (HOAI), and with the preparation and participation in the award of contracts in service phase 7.

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Project Monitoring

Project monitoring - generally known as site management - is usually provided as an integral service. This means that it is provided globally and seamlessly across all cost groups (300, 400 and 500). On project completion, a professional commissioning and acceptance management process is carried out. The preparation of documentation parallel to the construction process ensures the success of the project.

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Accounting and financial Controls

Financial project control supports and monitors the cost processes and creates early transparency to ensure maximum cost certainty. Together with the verification of plans and the ongoing quality assurance as the project progresses, this ensures that the risks for the construction project are minimized.

Construction Logistics

A further key to a successful construction project is the use of structured building logistics. To ensure the optimized progress of the construction process, this aspect is already included in the planning phase and is supported and monitored through all service phases.

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Integral construction management is a coordinated and comprehensive overall service from a single source: firstly, our experts prepare the service and performance descriptions for cost groups 300 and 500, verify the descriptions for cost group 400 and reconcile them with the existing cost calculation. Then they evaluate the bids and prepare suggestions for the award of contracts.

We support the client and the project management in the selection of the best bidders by taking part in the contract award negotiations.

After the contracts are awarded, the next step is project monitoring – generally for building and technical service trades and the outdoor facilities. In the field of project monitoring, building logistics has emerged as a separate performance profile. Building logistics services contribute to the smooth operation of building sites with a wide range of requirements for the infrastructure. The aim is to set up the building site in the best possible way, to supply it with the materials required, organize procedures efficiently (lean management) and to ensure conservation of resources and reduction of costs. Our team of experts can implement building logistics concepts in projects which are already in progress, monitor and support their operation or develop a concept which is tailored to the specific needs.

At completion of the project, we carry out a professional commissioning management process, which we design beforehand during the planning and construction process. It is sub-divided into the phases commissioning, acceptance, handover. During the use of the building, we provide support for facility management as needed.

Parallel to this, a team records the implementation defects and monitors the remediation of these defects by all trades. The team responsible for financial project controls monitors and supports the processes through all service phases and cost groups, and creates the best possible cost certainty by providing transparency at an early stage. In combination with the checking of the plans and the ongoing quality assurance throughout the construction process, this minimizes the risks of the building project. In integral construction management, our experts work seamlessly across all project phases and specialist disciplines.



The fact that we assume the coordination tasks means that the client then has only one contact partner. This significantly reduces the loss of information at the points of contact and minimizes the client's entrepreneurial risk. Our site supervisors come from a single company, speak the same language and work towards the same goals.

For many years we have documented the costs of production of all projects in a database. This means that we can reliably estimate the volume of a project even before the actual planning takes place.

We analyze the results of all participants in the planning process, and in this way, we create a solid basis for the client's decisions. Continuous documentation provides the necessary transparency.

Learn more about Drees & Sommer Construction Management

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