Press Releases

New Urban Quarter in Nuremberg, Germany: 300 apartments on Wöhrder Lake

© mS&P Commercial Development GmbH, Instone Real Estate
A new standard of urban living: the top stories of the prominent Seetor Tower offer spectacular views.

Nuremberg, Germany, July 12, 2021. Living, working and leisure activities – all this will be possible in the future on the Seetor City Campus in Nuremberg. In the east of the Franconian city, 300 apartments plus commercial spaces are being built on the former Coca-Cola site. The new quarter impresses with its clever architectural layout, while also serving as a blueprint for sustainable urban development. The construction work, supported by Drees & Sommer SE, will be completed in 2023. The planning and consultancy company specializes in construction and real estate and is headquartered in Stuttgart, Germany.

The project has been initiated by the Sontowski & Partner Group, based in the German city of Erlangen. They are also responsible for developing the commercial spaces. A total of five commercial building complexes will enframe the campus and shield the residential buildings located within this formation from traffic noise. Retailers, food and beverage service outlets, and health-related services – such as medical practitioners and physiotherapy centers – will move into the buildings which will also house flexible office spaces. ‘With the construction of the Seetor City Campus, we aim to create a city within a city in Nuremberg. The coexistence of homes, commercial enterprises and leisure activities make the new site a vibrant quarter that will be a great place to be,’ explains Sven Sontowski, Managing Partner of Sontowski & Partner Group

Green Lagoon in the City: Aiming to Achieve Gold Certification from the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB)

Shielded behind the commercial spaces, Instone Real Estate and the GBI Group are also building 300 apartments, two thirds of which are designated as condominiums. The remaining 100 apartments will be subsidized housing. The six-meter high Seetor Tower set within the campus is a real eye-catcher. It will house 121 apartments – those in the upper stories boasting attractive views of the city and the Wöhrder Lake. Green roofs, park-like grounds, a children’s playground and multiple paths leading directly to the lake form a green lagoon within the quarter, also helping to improve air quality and biodiversity. The mobility concept focuses on sustainability too: bike paths, car sharing, charging points for electric cars and annual tickets for public transport for business users will boost the local public transport system and reduce harmful greenhouse gases. As a reward for these measures, the quarter is aiming to achieve Gold certification from the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB).

All Components Working Hand in Hand

‘With a major project like the Seetor City Campus, good planning is key to ensuring problem-free processes and work at the building site,’ explains Armin Goss. As a Project Team Manager at Drees & Sommer, he and his team make sure that all activities at the building site go without a hitch and that the schedules and budgets for the construction of the new quarter remain within the specified framework. Coordinating all those involved is therefore one of the project’s greatest challenges. Since 2017, Drees & Sommer has supported the property developers of the quarter – from the initial cost feasibility study, through space optimization in the residential buildings to project and tenant management for the commercial units.

‘The quarter will stand out in the future due to the variety of usages on one site. To meet the various construction requirements of residential, business and shopping spaces at one location, all those involved on the building site must work closely together if the project is to keep within the budget and stay on schedule. By taking all this into account, the Seetor City Campus is set to become a modern and diverse quarter,’ continued the Project Team Manager.