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High ROI through innovations

Innovative processes and methods such as Building Information Modeling and Lean Construction Management allow Blue Buildings to be built economically and established buildings to be upgraded both technically and structurally for the future.

Buildings are being networked not only internally but also externally with other properties. The building of the future will be able to optimize consumption and cut costs in a targeted way.

Buildings designed to be energy self-sufficient and to produce surplus energy. In the coming years, such passive and active homes will become standard and – in conjunction with smart grid energy – will redefine energy supply.

Building materials often contain harmful substances. The building of the future avoids the use of building materials that are harmful to health. More than that: Ideally, the materials used absorb hazardous substances.

In the face of climate change, attempts to reduce carbon emissions have been made in all fields in recent years. The construction and real estate sectors are of great significance here, as they are responsible for approximately 33 percent of emissions. Zero-emission operation over the entire life cycle is therefore a declared goal of Blue Buildings – one that can only be achieved by fully addressing all influencing factors.

As part of closed material cycles, the building of the future works on the Cradle to Cradle® principle. At the end of their service life, all materials are returned to the technical or biological cycle. As a result, the building of the future does not produce any waste – all materials are reprocessed or assimilated.

If a building's use changes, it must also adapt – quickly and without great effort. With Blue Buildings, principals and designers do not limit themselves to a particular use but keep future requirements in mind from the outset. These initial investments are outweighed by the economic benefits over the life cycle of the property.

Steps of economic realiziation of Blue Buildings

  • 1

    The development of new technologies is accelerating work processes and changing work practices. To make your company innovative, productive and cost-efficient, processes have to be optimized before you think about a building or remodeling.

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    Before the planning phase starts, the project execution must be clearly defined. Project goals and performance specifications ensure a common thrust in accordance with the client. These are backed by an execution strategy and the project organization.

  • 3

    Building Information Modeling (BIM) optimizes the conventional planning process. The result is production- and quality-oriented planning as the basis for cost-effective, largely defect-free and more efficient construction.

  • 4

    Ineffective processes delay the construction process: deadlines are missed, costs and quality targets are not met. This does not happen with Lean Construction Management (LCM). Harmonized planning, logistics and construction processes enable construction with a predictable outcome.

  • 5

    Although building operation is the longest phase of the life cycle, it is often given too little thought. Operation is economical if you decide on modular, standardized construction. This includes a sustainable product quality that is integrated into the material cycle.

  • 6

    The owner of an ageing building faces a number of questions: What should I do to keep tenants? Or: How can I increase the attractiveness of the building? With Blue Buildings such questions can be answered more easily and cheaply - even in the case of a deconstruction.

Let's talk.

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