Press Releases

Munich Metropolitan Region Gets Mobile and Awards First Mobility Prize for the Region

© [Translate to English:] Drees & Sommer
The Conference's Experts: Sturm, Wittmann, Böhner, Schmidt,Dunkel, Schweinberger
© [Translate to English:] Drees & Sommer
The Conference's Winners

Study Combines Body of Knowledge

The conference was opened by Christoph Göbel, Munich Regional Councilor and Vice Chairperson of EMM e.V., along with Stephan Georg Kahl, Managing Director of Rohde & Schwarz Immobilienmanagement GmbH. The Regional Councilor explained the importance of this kind of study: ‘The prosperity and high quality of life of the metropolitan region are crucially dependent on the proper functioning of its infrastructure. It is only by working together with the various parties involved in the political, administrative, economic and academic spheres that we can overcome the challenges and keep the Munich Metropolitan Region as attractive as it always has been. The aim of the study is to develop an integrated, sustainable mobility concept that will support the work of interested parties in sharing knowledge, encouraging synergy, and organizing future projects more efficiently.’

Professor Gebhard Wulfhorst from Technical University Munich discussed the impetus for mobility in the Munich Metropolitan Region. Professor Dr. Markus Schmidt, Project Partner at Drees & Sommer, presented the findings of the study, consisting of a project overview and recommendations for action by the Munich Metropolitan Region. He commented: ‘What is most important for us is to use the study to initiate an overarching strategy and link up different projects.’

As a preliminary step, it offers an ideal basis for developing a long-term mobility concept. The specially created database (in German language),, shows almost 300 projects and concepts in a variety of phases. The database offers an overview of the diverse mobility solutions, a number of contacts, and additional information. Recommended action is also outlined in a summary report. EMM e.V. plans to keep developing the database, updating it regularly and linking up not just projects but, above all, people.

Mobility Experts Gather Almost 300 Projects and Concepts from the Region

International project management and consulting company Drees & Sommer and Hendricks & Schwartz received advice and support from a project team of mobility experts from the region. In a broadly based survey, more than 2,000 contacts were questioned on the analysis of the current situation. They included all administrative districts, municipalities, towns and cities, in addition to many institutions and companies in the Munich Metropolitan Region.

The majority of the almost 300 projects submitted were nominations relating to local public transport (28 percent), bicycle transport (25 percent), and private motorized transport (20 percent). Fifteen percent are classified as multimodal and networked transport, an area that will become increasingly important in the future. The projects submitted include mobility stations, sharing systems, and digital solutions for networked mobility, for instance in the form of a standard app solution. The study also found that there is also a viable future for cargo bicycles and for innovative new means of transport with electric drive systems. Demand-responsive transport and networked car sharing offer alternatives to the long waiting times for local public transport, especially in rural areas. Companies can also improve mobility by internal mobility concepts, for instance by providing shuttle buses for staff.

Further information on the cross-linkage study (in German) at:

Winners Chosen for Four Categories of Awards

Participants at the conference took part in an interactive vote to choose award-winning projects in four categories. In the Urbanizer category, Emmy Green City, an electric scooter sharing system in Munich that runs on 100 percent green electricity, won the 2018 mobility prize for the Munich Metropolitan Region.

The winner in the Grün Unterwegs (‘Going Green’) category was Movelo. With its Company E-Bike product, it offers a practical e-bike sharing solution for companies and institutions. The winner in the Quick-Win des Jahres (‘Quick Win of the Year’) category was the commuter portal of the Ebersberg district (Pendler-Portal EBE), which links various car pooling providers (for instance MVV, blablacar, car sharing providers and many more). The winner in the category of Mobil auf dem Land (‘Rural Mobility’) was Roche Diagnostics GmbH with its corporate mobility concept. This involves the subsidizing of public transport tickets, a bicycle leasing program, shuttle buses, and an internal bicycle scheme which currently has 800 company bicycles. A special award in the category of Innovation went to Lilium for its flying taxi. In his presentation, Filip Rothe made it clear that even this way of getting around will soon complement the range of mobility options.

EMM e. V. the Catalyst, Driver and Facilitator

Finally, there was a discussion between Josef Schweinberger, Mayor of the town of Buchlohe; Georg Dunkel, Head of Transport Department (Department of Urban Planning and Building Regulations) of the City of Munich; Professor Dr. Markus Schmidt from Drees & Sommer; Josef Sturm from Roche Diagnostics GmbH, and Hans-Peter Böhner, Head of the Transport Department in the Bavarian State Ministry of the Interior, for Building and Transport regarding further action to be taken. Mayor Josef Schweinberger commented: ‘Everyone has to make a huge effort on the issue of mobility – to wait and see is not an option!’ Josef Schweinberger also drew attention to the vital cooperation with the association: ‘To me, EMM e.V. is a perfect community through which all the municipal partners concerned can progress this difficult issue. The cross-linkage study is proof of this.’ Josef Sturm from Roche Diagnostics also highlighted the key role of EMM e.V., which makes a valuable contribution by bringing together major stakeholders, for instance at the mobility conference. They all agreed that in future, true to the motto of EMM e.V. – Macht Mehr Zusammen (‘Do more together’) – they will do more to promote communication regarding mobility between the different parties, and publicize existing services.

Wolfgang Wittmann, Managing Director of EMM e.V., concluded by summing up the importance of studies of this kind, and highlighted their role for the future: ‘The cross-linkage study is intended to help make mobility-related expertise from the spheres of industry and academia and from regional authorities more transparent and to connect the relevant players. This improved cooperation is intended to make the vast potential easier to use, so that – ultimately by working closely with policymakers – we can turn the Munich Metropolitan Region into a model region for mobility.’