Media Release

Generation change at Drees & Sommer Luxembourg

Dirk Arweiler, Maximilien Ast, Tim Wottge, Christian Zanter (©Drees & Sommer, Photographer: Pierre Levy)

Drees & Sommer Luxembourg, a leading consultancy and project implementation company for real estate, infrastructure and industry, is announcing a change in its management team. As part of a generational change, a new team of executives will lead the company from 1 July 2024.

Over the past ten years, Drees & Sommer Luxembourg has been led by three Managing Directors: Maximilien Ast, Heiko Butter and Lothar Diederich have driven the successful development of the location during this time. Today, the team in Luxembourg comprises over 110 employees with a wide-ranging service portfolio.

In order to lead Drees & Sommer in Luxembourg into a new generation, Heiko Butter and Lothar Diederich step down from the management of the Luxembourg office on 30 June. Both Associate Partners will take on new roles within the Group. Heiko Butter has overall responsibility for the major project Terminal 3 at Frankfurt Airport, one of the Group’s flagship projects. Lothar Diederich will take on new group-wide responsibilities in Integrated Design with a focus on data centre planning. In this function, he will continue to be present at the Luxembourg site. We would like to thank both of them for their many years of commitment and their contribution to the success of Drees & Sommer Luxembourg and wish them every success in their new challenges within the Group.

Maximilien Ast will continue to manage the strategic direction of the company as Managing Director and Associate Partner. His many years of leadership and development of the Luxembourg office will be the constant in the new management team.

Dirk Arweiler, Tim Wottge and Christian Zanter, who have been with Drees & Sommer for many years, will succeed Heiko Butter and Lothar Diederich as new Managing Directors at the Luxembourg office from 1 July. As a member of the Executive Board, Dirk Arweiler has previously headed the Infrastructure and Construction Management divisions. His extensive expertise in the field of Finance and Controlling, which he has acquired during his sixteen years with the company and in previous positions, will lead the company on its path to further success. Tim Wottge has been with the company for ten years and is currently responsible for the Healthcare sector at the Luxembourg site. He has extensive knowledge of project management and the Lean philosophy and will drive the further development of our digital processes. Christian Zanter is Head of Residential and Urban Development at Drees & Sommer Luxembourg. He is with the company for eleven years and has been involved in the strategic development of a large number of Luxembourg projects. With his many years of experience in the residential and property sector, he will continue to expand this area at the site and also support public clients.

We are sure that this new management team will build on the company's success to date and will lead Drees & Sommer Luxembourg successfully into the future. The entire team is looking forward to working together and the exciting challenges that lie ahead.

ouveau Comité de Direction capitalisera sur le succès de l’entreprise jusqu’à présent et guidera Drees & Sommer Luxembourg vers un avenir prospère. L’ensemble de l’équipe se réjouit de cette collaboration et des défis passionnants qui les attendent.