Our next – European Talk initiative continued in Eindhoven under the topic of "Innovative Loops – Sustainable Foundations for Resilient Cities"

Our first day, June 3rd, began with an enlightening tour of Ahrend's Circular Hub, followed by an inspiring keynote speech by Thijs Mathijssen, Global Key Account Manager, and Tom van den Akker, Consultant at Ahrend. They emphasised the critical importance of minimising waste, conserving resources, and promoting sustainable production practices by giving furniture a second life, maintaining the quality and standards "as good as new."

At Ahrend HQ, we started with an inspiring presentation on "Circularity in the Built Environment" by Ruben Zonnevijlle, Circularity Programme Manager at DGBC. He highlighted the challenges within the circularity model, underlining the urgent need to address the depletion of non-renewable raw materials and the environmental impact of construction materials. The importance of reducing carbon emissions in buildings was stressed, along with proposed solutions such as urban mining, using biobased materials, and prioritising renovations over new construction to achieve sustainability goals.

Following this, Caro van de Venne, founding partner of NUDUS, delivered a stimulating presentation titled "Building Up, Not Tearing Down: Sustainable Preservation." She illuminated the positive opportunities behind retrofitting projects, showing how revitalising areas can reconnect people with nature, how existing materials can be reused, and how energy consumption in old buildings can be minimised naturally. However, she also highlighted the necessity of creating new financial models and aligning different disciplines to enhance efficiency.

In the next panel discussion, titled “Synergizing Sectors: From Challenges to Circular Opportunities,” Lizzy Stuyfzand from Ahrend, Frank van Lookeren from Interalu, Emma Paola Flores from NACO, Tomas Peeters from Copper8, and Vince Limpens from EPEA delved into the transition to a circular economy. The panelists shared insights on how their respective sectors are addressing this shift, emphasising the importance of cross-sector collaboration, innovation in sustainable practices, and integrating circular principles into business models.

They discussed the practical challenges of implementing circularity, such as regulatory barriers and the need for mindset shifts, while also exploring opportunities like material reuse, design for disassembly, and creating closed-loop systems. The conversation underscored the necessity of collective efforts and breaking down borders to overcome these challenges and unlock the full potential of circular economy practices.

The evening concluded with a networking session. This provided an opportunity for interacting and exchange between the various participants..

On June 4th, our day opened with a warm welcome from Tom de Fruytier at Signify. He enlightened us on the myriad capabilities and opportunities inherent in advanced lighting solutions, emphasising their potential to enhance health and well-being. The session continued with an illuminating tour of the Lighting Application Centre (LAC) and the 3D printing facilities at the Signify Tech Campus, where we witnessed cutting-edge technologies and sustainable practices in action.

Next on the agenda was a presentation by Jeroen Dirckx of KCAP on "Eindhoven Station Area Transformation: An International Innovation District." He outlined the sustainability focus of ´Brainport City's´ programme development, particularly in terms of climate adaptation and healthy urbanisation. Key initiatives include transforming the area into a vibrant mixed-use hub and retrofitting infrastructure to enhance the resilience and sustainability of the urban environment, thereby strengthening its position as the heart of Brainport Eindhoven's high-tech manufacturing industry.

This was continued by an insightful presentation entitled "Navigating Climate Risk: Real Estate Asset Managers in a Changing Environment" by Thomas van Rompaey, Investment Officer at AXA Investment Managers. He provided a comprehensive understanding of how to identify and manage risks while seizing opportunities to add value in real estate. By incorporating ESG factors at every stage of the investment cycle, he demonstrated how the industry can move towards a more sustainable future.

The evening concluded with a panel discussion on "Sustainable Retrofitting in Response to a Changing Climate," featuring Burton Hamfelt of Burton Hamfelt Urban Architecture, Ina Biermann-Tannenberger of Goldstein, Kristina Knauf of LAND, Tom de Fruytier of Signify, Desirée Bernhardt of the City of Amsterdam, and Jenny Atmanagara of BW_i. The discussion revolved around the challenges each participant faces in their industries and the innovative strategies they employ.

The panelists recognised that while the demand for environmentally conscious solutions is on the rise, access to adequate funding remains a significant obstacle. Moreover, the conversation revealed the pressing need for improvement in collaboration and communication among stakeholders. It was evident that overcoming silos and fostering a common understanding across disciplines is critical for driving meaningful progress in the face of climate change. By embracing a collaborative approach and actively seeking out innovative financing mechanisms, the industry can overcome these hurdles and advance towards a more sustainable future.

Our key findings:

🗝️ Not just light to see, but illumination to enhance your life

🗝️ Second-live objects are „as good as new“

🗝️ Sustainability is not a department – it should become a habit for everyone

🗝️ Be approachable in every sector and corner of our world to spread innovation

🗝️We are all part of the problem, but it is on us to become part of the solution

🗝️ We need to build a common language across sectors

In anticipation of the upcoming event, the next European Talk will venture into the vibrant Port of Antwerp on the 24th and 25th of July. Renowned as one of Europe's largest and busiest ports, Antwerp serves as a pivotal hub for global trade and innovation. With its rich maritime history and forward-thinking initiatives, the port symbolizes Belgium's commitment to sustainability and connectivity on a global scale. We eagerly anticipate fostering engaging discussions and exploring new insights amidst the dynamic backdrop of Antwerp's bustling harbor, as we continue our journey towards a more resilient and interconnected future.